Thursday, December 31, 2015

Halle finished the Book of Mormon

Just want to give a shout out to this amazing, self-motivated girl!  At the beginning of last year, Stephanie Cope, the Beehive adviser, gave her girls a challenge to read the BOM in a year.  She had a time line all printed out on what the girls should read each day.  Halle was not yet 12, but Stephanie invited all the girls who would be 12 by the end of the year to participate.  And Halle took the challenge.  It wasn't perfect.  Sometimes she would have to do big chunks of reading at a time to catch up.  But, I think that's also a great life lesson.  Rarely do things go exactly according to schedule.  But, when that happens don't give up!  Just keep moving forward.  She finished her last chapter on New Year's Eve.  I am so proud of her!  Keep being awesome Halle girl.

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