Sunday, August 2, 2015


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I got home from the airport late Sunday night.  We slept in and had a lazy morning and then in the afternoon we packed up to head down to Fairview.  I was so excited to take the kids to our family cabin.  The last time we went down there Josh was just a baby.  Halle had a few vague memories but nothing concrete. 

The kids loved running around and exploring.  They were thrilled to set up their beds upstairs and make everything nice and cozy.  After everyone had settled in my mom got out stuff to make tye dye t-shirts.  The kids just love doing this.  They made their shirts so colorful and fun.  It was agony to wait till the next morning to rinse them out and wear them. 
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It’s a tradition at the cabin to have a treasure hunt.  The clues have been the same ever since I can remember.  Dad told the kids a story about pirates who had come and hidden treasure at Fairview. They were eating it up.  They loved hunting for the clues and were very excited to find their treasure. Gwen got a little tea set from the dollar store in her sack and you would have thought it was bars of gold.  She was jumping up and down and saying, “Mom!  How did the pirates know that I would just love to have a tea set??”  We were all in stitches laughing at her. 
treasure hunt

Landon pulled out the 4 wheeler and all the kids were clamoring for turns riding up and down the road.  I don’t think Blake had ever been on a 4 wheeler before and he thought it was great fun.
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The evening ended with roasting hot dogs and smores.  Mom had found these giant smore marshmallows.  And they were GIANT.  It was funny to watch everyone try to eat them.  Josh begged and begged to watch Star Wars before bed, so that’s exactly what we did!


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The next morning, after a pancake breakfast, we went on a hike to the fossil pile.  As one might guess, Blake and Josh were less than enthused.  But, once they started discovering fossils along the way they perked up considerably.
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We were also on the lookout for a rock to paint.  Another tradition of the cabin is to paint a rock and put everyone’s name on it to display.  Halle had the genius idea to find a square and triangle rock and make the cabin. That’s exactly what we did and it turned out so cute!
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Our adventure concluded with a traditional milkshake at tee-cee’s.  I was so glad to get to share these fun memories with my kids.  I loved telling them stories about my Grandma and about my childhood summer memories at the cabin.  What a gift Grandpa and Grandma Cornell gave to us all with this cabin!

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