Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Primary Program

The “Best Sunday of the Year” has come and gone.  I am the 1st councilor in the Primary Presidency in our ward, and we had 100+ kids participating in the program.  As you can imagine, it is quite the production to get 100 children in the right place, sitting still, and paying attention.  So, I was a little anxious to get up to the stage as quickly as possible after the Sacrament.  About 1 min before we are set to go up, Blake is happily eating a fruit snack, and one got lodged in his throat.  So, to get it out, he throws up all over Halle’s new dress.  I am trying to clean the throw-up with a wet wipe, and Halle is bawling.   I do a decent clean up job, give her some scented lotion so she doesn’t stink and send her up on stage in the nick of time. THEN, about 1/2 way through the program I hear a huge THUD.  Our Sunbeams were sitting in tiny chairs, and I was sure one of them had tipped backward and fallen over.  I stand up to look, and which little Sunbeam do I see lying on the floor?  Yep—Josh.  Angela scooped him up and rushed him into the hall before the first wails could leave his lips.  Rusty met her out there, gave him a little pep talk, and he was back before the next song. 

Other than my children’s trauma, the Program went off without a hitch.  I love working in the Primary!

Halle’s part was, “Prophets are called by God.  I know this because I feel happy whenever I hear Pres. Monson speak” 

Josh said, “Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He came to earth to fulfill God’s plan.”


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just some cute pics

I am in love with Fall time.  And the weather this year has been exquisite!  I meant to take some fun pictures of all the beautiful leaves, but ended up with pictures of beautiful children instead!

DSC_3359 Halle josh my kiddos Blake had just bathed himself in dirt, and was none to happy when we pulled him from the dust to come and take a picture.