Tuesday, October 20, 2015

getting crafty

I don’t do it often, but I do love getting creative every once and awhile.  And I’m pretty proud of how these little projects turned out! These are over a period of about 3 months, lest anyone get any crazy ideas. But now I’m exhausted and will go into crafty hibernation for the winter.

Sarah, Hayley and I hosted a baby shower for Elly.  It turned out beautifully!  This was my first attempt at a diaper cake and  it was really fun.

2015-08-22 14.04.10 HDR2015-08-22 14.04.382015-08-22 14.04.54 HDR2015-08-22 14.05.05

I have had my eye on a pillow similar to this for awhile now.  But that pillow was $97.  So, with the help of Joanna and her amazing Silhouette, I made my own.

2015-09-03 13.56.022015-09-03 15.22.04

And since I liked making the first diaper cake so much, I tried again for one of Rusty’s coworkers.  They didn’t know the gender of the baby, so I tried to keep in neutral (ish)

2015-09-15 16.03.12

I did a Whole30 with Gina and Kimberlie in Sept and I‘m so glad I did.  Even though it was hard it was nice to know I could be in total control of what I eat.  And my body felt so good!  No sugar (of any kind), dairy, grains or legumes for 30 days.  Some changes I noticed were: Energy like I was a kid again, awesome sleep, lots of joint aches and pains GONE, running injury I’ve been nursing for months GONE, carpal tunnel really improved, my skin looks AWESOME, and I don’t have to wash my hair nearly as often.  WIN! 

2015-09-04 08.44.52

Every year I make a small gift for my soccer girls.  I really love being their coach.  They teach me so much, and I hope I teach them a little too. So many life lessons play out on the soccer field. This year I went with an edible gift.  I made jersey shaped cookies and then decorated them with their name and jersey number.  They were a hit! I also made them some super easy soccer hair ties. 

2015-10-13 13.22.362015-10-14 07.40.432015-10-14 08.09.35

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